0541 0543旧约新约 Strong's number
00542 出现经文 同源字 相关查询
542 apeido {ap-i'-do}

源自 5751492; 动词

钦定本 - see 1; 1

1) 注意力(眼光)从某样东西转到另一样
2) 从某距离观看或从事物的现状端详
3) 察觉 ( 腓2:23 )
00542 ἀπεῖδον
见 ἀφοράω-SG872。    说明
542 apeido {ap-i'-do}

from 575 and the same as 1492;; v

AV - see 1; 1

1) to look away from one thing and at another
2) to look at from somewhere, either from a distance or from a
   certain present condition of things
3) to perceive