0375 0377旧约新约 Strong's number
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376 anaperos {an-ap'-ay-ros}

源自 303 (取其强烈之意) 与 peros (残废); 形容词

钦定本 - maimed 2; 2

1) 跛腿的 ( 路14:13, 21 )
00376 ἀνάπηρος, ον 形容词
残废的」。实名词:「残废者」。带πτωχός, χωλὸς, τυφλός 贫穷,瘸腿的,瞎眼的, 路14:13,21 ;ἀνάπειρος(编按:异版)。*    说明
376 anaperos {an-ap'-ay-ros}

from 303 (in the sense of intensity) and peros (maimed);; adj

AV - maimed 2; 2

1) disabled in the limbs, maimed, crippled
2) injured in, or bereft of, some member of the body