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03092 Yᵉhowshaphat {yeh-ho-shaw-fawt'}

源自 0306808199;

AV - Jehoshaphat 84; 84

约沙法 = "耶和华已审判"
1) 犹大王亚撒的儿子, 在位二十五年; 犹大国最好, 最虔敬, 最成功的一位王
2) 宁示的儿子, 北国以色列王耶户的父亲; ( 王下 9:14 ) 
3) 亚希律的儿子, 在大卫与所罗门王下当史官;  ( 撒下 8:16 )
4) 帕路亚的儿子, 所罗门在以色列全地立的十二个官吏之一;   ( 王上 4:17 )
5) 大卫王朝负责吹角的一名祭司;  ( 代上 15:24 ) 
阳性专有名词, 地名
6) 谷名,  近耶路撒冷,象徵神最后审判的地方; 分开耶路撒冷与的橄榄山的深谷,汲沦溪
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<神出> 撒下8:16
<译词>约沙法84 (84)
1. 大卫和所罗门王的史官, 撒下8:16 20:24 王上4:3 代上18:15

2. 犹大国的第四任王,亚撒的儿子, 王上15:24 22:2 王下1:17 3:1,7,11,12,12 3:14 8:16,16 12:18 代上3:10 代下17:1

3. 所罗门王时供给王家食物的一官员, 王上4:17

4. 以色列王耶户的父亲, 王下9:2

神要在此审判万民, 珥3:2,12
03092 Y@howshaphat {yeh-ho-shaw-fawt'}

from 03068 and 08199;;

AV - Jehoshaphat 84; 84

Jehoshaphat = "Jehovah has judged"
n pr m
1) son of king Asa and himself king of Judah for 25 years; one of the
   best, most pious, and prosperous kings of Judah
2) son of Nimshi and father of king Jehu of the northern kingdom of Israel
3) son of Ahilud and chronicler under David and Solomon
4) son of Paruah and one of the 12 commissary officers under Solomon
5) a priest and trumpeter in the time of David
n pr loc
6) symbolical name of a valley near Jerusalem which is the place of
   ultimate judgment; maybe the deep ravine which separates Jerusalem
   from the Mount of Olives through which the Kidron flowed