中文内容 | - 是迦斯路希人的后裔
创 10:13,14
- 最初住在迦斐托
耶 47:4 摩 9:7
- 战胜亚卫人, 夺得迦南的西岸
申 2:23
- 称为
. 迦斐托人
申 2:23
. 基利提人
撒上 30:14 番 2:5
- 非利士人的国土
. 称为非利士
诗 87:4 108:9
. 分为五块由首领统理的土地
书 13:3 士 3:3 撒上 6:16
. 有许多繁华城市
撒上 6:17
. 由上帝赐给以色列人
书 13:2,3 15:45,47
- 在先祖时代, 是一个重要的民族, 由君王统治
创 21:22,34 26:8
- 特色
. 骄傲
亚 9:6
. 拜偶像
士 16:23 撒上 5:2
. 迷信
赛 2:6
. 好战
撒上 17:1 28:1
- 在非利士人当中, 高大而力大无穷的人
撒上 17:4-7 撒下 21:16,18-20
- 有些非利士人存留下来, 以试验以色列人
士 3:1-3
- 总是与以色列人的敌人结盟
诗 83:7 赛 9:11,12
- 珊迦杀死六百个非利士人, 救了以色列人
士 3:31
- 睚珥死后, 非利士人欺压以色列十八年
士 10:7,8
- 押顿死后, 非利士人欺压以色列四十年
士 13:1
- 参孙
. 上帝所应许、要救以色列人脱离非利士人的人
士 13:5
. 与非利士人通婚
士 14:1,10
. 在亚实基伦附近, 杀了三十个非利士人
士 14:19
. 将非利士人的葡萄园等烧毁
士 15:3-5
. 因妻子被杀, 杀死许多非利士人
士 15:7,8
. 用驴腮骨杀死一千个非利士人
士 15:15,16
. 被非利士人弄瞎眼睛并囚禁
士 16:21
. 使大衮庙坍塌, 因而杀死了无数非利士人
士 16:29,30
- 在以便以谢击败以色列人
撒上 4:1,2
- 击败以色列人, 夺走约柜
撒上 4:3-11
- 将约柜置于大衮庙
撒上 5:1-4
- 因留住约柜而得病
撒上 5:6-12
- 遣返约柜, 便得医治
撒上 6:1-18
- 在米斯巴神迹般地转向
撒上 7:7-14
- 约拿单攻击非利士人在迦巴的防营, 激怒了他们
撒上 13:3,4
- 大军占领以色列地
撒上 13:5,17-23
- 约拿单和拿兵器的人在隘口攻击非利士人的防营
撒上 14:1-14
- 神迹般地大受惊乱
撒上 14:15-23
- 扫罗不断与非利士人争战
撒上 14:52
- 以他们的战士向以色列人挑战
撒上 17:4-10
- 在以弗大悯被以色列人击败, 被追赶, 直到以革伦
撒上 17:1,52
- 大卫
. 杀死非利士人的战士歌利亚
撒上 17:40-50
. 用一百个非利士人的阳皮娶到扫罗的女儿
撒上 18:25-27
. 在扫罗在位期间, 常击败非利士人
撒上 19:8 23:1-5
. 为了保命, 逃到非利士地
撒上 27:1-7
. 取信于非利士王亚吉
撒上 28:2 29:9
. 不受非利士人信任
撒上 29:2-7
. 在位期间, 常常击败非利士人
撒下 5:17-23 8:1 21:15-22 23:8-12
. 有一队由非利士人组成的卫兵
撒下 8:18 结 25:16 番 2:5
- 将所有军旅聚集到亚弗, 攻打以色列
撒上 28:1 29:1
- 非利士人的城镇洗革拉, 被亚玛力人占领并掠夺
撒上 30:1,2,16
- 以色列人为非利士人击败, 扫罗被杀
撒上 31:1-10
- 在基比顿被拿答围困
王上 15:27
- 上帝派非利士人攻打约兰
代下 21:16,17
- 被乌西雅击败
代下 26:6,7
- 扰害亚哈斯统治的犹大国
代下 28:18,19
- 被希西家击败
王下 18:8
- 以色列人因仿效非利士而受谴责
士 10:6 摩 6:2 9:7
- 关于非利士人的预言
. 与亚兰人一同对付以色列人
赛 9:11,12
. 与其他国家一同受罚
耶 25:20
. 因推罗毁灭而惊惶
亚 9:3,5
. 微贱的人要成为其统治者
亚 9:6
. 对以色列的仇恨和报复将彻底得报应
结 25:15-17 摩 1:6-8
. 将完全被埃及法老王毁灭
耶 47:1-4 番 2:5,6
. 其城市将毁坏荒凉
耶 47:5 番 2:4
. 以色列将拥有其国土
俄 1:19 番 2:7
. 将协助重建以色列
赛 11:14 |
内容 | - Descended from Casluhim
Ge 10:13,14
- Originally dwelt in the land of Caphtor
Jer 47:4 Am 9:7
- Conquered the Avims and took from them the west coast of
De 2:23
. The Caphtorims
De 2:23
. The Cherethites
1Sa 30:14 Zep 2:5
. Called Philistia
Ps 87:4 108:9
. Divided into five sates of lordships
Jos 13:3 Jud 3:3 1Sa 6:16
. Had many flourishing cities
1Sa 6:17
. Given by God to the Israelites
Jos 13:2,3 15:45,47
- Were a great people and governed by kings in the patriarchal
Ge 21:22,34 26:8
. Proud
Zec 9:6
. Idolatrous
Jud 16:23 1Sa 5:2
. Superstitious
Isa 2:6
. Warlike
1Sa 17:1 28:1
- Men of great strength and stature amongst
1Sa 17:4-7 2Sa 21:16,18-20
- Some of, left to prove Israel
Jud 3:1-3
- Always confederated with the enemies of Israel
Ps 83:7 Isa 9:11,12
- Shamgar slew six hundred of, and delivered Israel
Jud 3:31
- Oppressed Israel after the death of Jair for eighteen years
Jud 10:7,8
- Oppressed Israel after the death of Abdon forty years
Jud 13:1
. Promised as a deliverer from
Jud 13:5
. Intermarried with
Jud 14:1,10
. Slew thirty, near Askelon
Jud 14:19
. Burned vineyards &c of
Jud 15:3-5
. Slew many for burning his wife
Jud 15:7,8
. Slew a thousand with the jawbone of an ass
Jud 15:15,16
. Blinded and imprisoned by
Jud 16:21
. Pulled down the house of Dagon and destroyed immense
numbers of
Jud 16:29,30
- Defeated Israel at Ebenezer
1Sa 4:1,2
- Defeated Israel and took the ark
1Sa 4:3-11
- Put the ark into Dagon's house
1Sa 5:1-4
- Plagued for retaining the ark
1Sa 5:6-12
- Sent back the ark and were healed
1Sa 6:1-18
- Miraculously routed at Mizpeh
1Sa 7:7-14
- Jonathan smote a garrison of, at Geba and provoked them
1Sa 13:3,4
- Invaded the land of Israel with a great army
1Sa 13:5,17-23
- Jonathan and his armour-bearer smote a garrison of, at the
1Sa 14:1-14
- Miraculously discomfited
1Sa 14:15-23
- Saul constantly at war with
1Sa 14:52
- Defied Israel by their champion
1Sa 17:4-10
- Defeated Israel at Ephesdammim and pursued to Ekron
1Sa 17:1,52
. Slew Goliath the champion of
1Sa 17:40-50
. Procured Saul's daughter for and hundred foreskins of
1Sa 18:25-27
. Often defeated during Saul's reign
1Sa 19:8 23:1-5
. Fled to, for safety
1Sa 27:1-7
. Gained the confidence of Achish king of
1Sa 28:2 29:9
. Distrusted by
1Sa 29:2-7
. Often defeated in the course of his reign
2Sa 5:17-23 8:1 21:15-22 23:8-12
. Had a guard composed of
2Sa 8:18 Eze 25:16 Zep 2:5
- Gathered all their armies to Aphek against Israel
1Sa 28:1 29:1
- Ziklag a town of, taken and plundered by the Amalekites
1Sa 30:1,2,16
- Israel defeated by, and Saul slain
1Sa 31:1-10
- Besieged in Gibbethon by Nadab
1Ki 15:27
- Sent by God against Jehoram
2Ch 21:16,17
- Defeated by Uzziah
2Ch 26:6,7
- Distressed Judah under Ahaz
2Ch 28:18,19
- Defeated by Hezekiah
2Ki 18:8
- Israel condemned for imitating
Jud 10:6 Am 6:2 9:7
. Union with Syria against Israel
Isa 9:11,12
. Punishment with other nations
Jer 25:20
. Dismay at ruin of Tyre
Zec 9:3,5
. Base men to be their rulers
Zec 9:6
. Hatred and revenge against Israel to be fully recompensed
Eze 25:15-17 Am 1:6-8
. Utter destruction by Pharaoh king of Egypt
Jer 47:1-4 Zep 2:5,6
. Destruction and desolation of their cities
Jer 47:5 Zep 2:4
. Their country to be a future possession to Israel
Ob 1:19 Zep 2:7
. To help in Israel's restoration
Isa 11:14