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01867 Dar`yavesh {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'}

源於波斯文; 陽性專有名詞 人名

欽定本 - Darius 10; 10

大利烏 = "主"
1) 大利烏 Hystaspis (西元前522到485年) ( 拉 4:5  該 1:1,15  2:10  亞 1:7  7:1 )
2) 大利烏 Codomannus (西元前336到332年) ( 尼 12:22 )
3) "米底亞王大利烏" ( 但 9:1  11:1 )
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<神出> 拉4:5
<譯詞>大利烏10 (10)
一、瑪代族的大利烏是迦勒底國的王, 但9:1 11:1

二、波斯王大利烏一世,主前521-486年, 拉4:5 該1:1,15 2:10 亞1:1,7 7:1

三、大利烏二世,波斯的末王,被亞力山大所滅, 尼12:22
01867 Dar`yavesh {daw-reh-yaw-vaysh'}

of Persian origin;; n pr m

AV - Darius 10; 10

Darius = "lord"
1) Darius the Mede, the son of Ahasuerus, king of the Chaldeans, who
   succeeded to the Babylonian kingdom on the death of Belshazzar;
   probably the same as "Astyages" the last king of the Medes (538 BC)
2) Darius, the son of Hystaspes, the founder of the Perso-Arian dynasty
   (521 BC)
3) Darius II or Darius III
   3a) Darius II, Nothus (Ochus) was king of Persia during the time
       of Nehemiah (424/3 - 405/4 BC). Darius II is the most probable
       because he is mentioned by Nehemiah and ruled during the time
       of Nehemiah
   3b) Darius III, Codomannus was king of Persia during its last years
       at the time of Alexander the Great and was his opponent
       (336 - 330 BC)