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0516 'Al tashcheth (亞蘭文) {al-tash-khe:t'}

源自 040807843; 陽性名詞

欽定本 - Altaschith 4; 4

Al-taschith = "休要毀壞"
1) (Hiphil) 對伶長的指示, 也可能是詩篇中某些旋律的名稱
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【0516】אַל תַּשְׁחֵת
<音譯>'Al tashcheth
<神出> 詩57:1
僅出現在詩篇的開場白,אַל-תַּשְׁחֵת休要毀壞詩57:1 58:1 59:1 75:1 。*
0516 'Al tashcheth (Aramaic) {al tash-kayth'}

from 0408 and 07843;; n m

AV - Altaschith 4; 4

Al-taschith = "do not destroy"
1) (Hiphil) a command to the chief musician, or perhaps the title of a
   melody used for several Psalms