05812 05814舊約新約 Strong's number
05813 yIZu[\   出現經文 相關查詢
05813 `Uzziy {uz-zi:'}

源自 05810; 陽性專有名詞 人名

欽定本 - Uzzi 11; 11

烏西 = "強壯"
1) 利未人
   1a) 以利亞撒的子孫 ( 代上 6:5-6,51  拉 7:4 )
   1b) 亞薩的子孫 ( 尼 11:22 )
   1c) 祭司名 ( 尼 12:19,42 )
2) 以薩迦的孫子,陀拉的兒子 ( 代上 7:2-3 )
3) 便雅憫的孫子,比拉的兒子 ( 代上 7:7 )
4) 一便雅憫人,以拉的父親 ( 代上 9:8 )
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<神出> 代上6:5
<譯詞>烏西11 (11)
1. 一大祭司,以斯拉的先祖, 代上6:5,6,51 拉7:4

2. 以薩迦的孫子,陀拉的兒子, 代上7:2-3

3. 便雅憫的孫子,比拉的兒子, 代上7:7

4. 一便雅憫人, 代上9:8

5. 尼希米時管理神殿利未人事務的一首領, 尼11:22

6. 大祭司約雅金時的一祭司族長, 尼12:19

7. 尼希米時行聖城告成禮的一祭司, 尼12:42
05813 `Uzziy {ooz-zee'}

from 05810;; n pr m

AV - Uzzi 11; 11

Uzzi = "strong"
1) a Levite, son of Bukki and father of Zerahiah in the line of the
   high priest although apparently never high priest himself
2) son of Tola and grandson of Issachar
3) a Benjamite, son of Bela and head of a family of Benjamin
4) son of Michri and father of Elah and an ancestor of a family of
   returned exiles settling in Jerusalem. Maybe same as 3
5) a Levite, son of Bani, and an overseer of the Levites in Jerusalem
   in the time of Nehemiah
6) a priest, chief of the father's house of Jedaiah, in the time of
   Joiakim the high priest
7) one of the priests who helped Ezra in the dedication of the wall
   of Jerusalem. Maybe same as 6