06099 06101舊約新約 Strong's number
06100 r,b<G\  !Ay.c,[\   出現經文 影像 地圖 相關查詢
06100 `Etsyown (縮寫型) `Etsyon Geber {ets-yone' gheh'ber}

源自 0609601397; 專有名詞 地名

AV - Eziongeber 4, Eziongaber 3; 7

以旬迦別 = "人的骨幹"
1) 在以色列人出埃及進入尋的曠野前所停留的最後一站; 位在以拉他(Elath [ 0359 ])附近,
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【6100】עֶצְיוֹן גֶּבֶר
<音譯> `Etsyown Geber
<詞類> 名、專
<字義> 像脊骨一樣堅強的人
<字源> 來自SH6096SH1397
<神出> 民33:35
<譯詞> 以旬迦別7 (7)
一鎮名,在紅海濱亞卡巴海股北端,近以拉他與以東邊界, 民33:35,36 申2:8 王上9:26 22:48 代下8:17 20:36
06100 `Etsyown (shorter) `Etsyon Geber {ets-yone' gheh'ber}

from 06096 and 01397;; n pr loc

AV - Eziongeber 4, Eziongaber 3; 7

Ezion-geber = "backbone of a man"
1) the last station during the exodus of the Israelites before they
   came to the wilderness of Zin; located near Elath at the head of
   the Gulf of Akaba