01550 01552舊約新約 Strong's number
01551 lyil"G\   出現經文 影像 地圖 相關查詢
01551 Galiyl {ga:-li:l'}

與 01550 同; 專有名詞 地名

欽定本 - Galilee 6; 6

加利利 = "一帶, 行政區"
1) 拿弗他利的一個大半為異教徒佔領的區域;
   在基低斯‧拿弗他利一帶的城市, 其中二十座城被所羅門送給推羅王希蘭,
   ( 書 20:7  21:32  王上 9:11  代上 6:76 )
本字典尚在發展中,錯繆缺漏難免,請多多包涵!有意見請聯繫twcbhdic「@」fhl.net 註:<神出>表示TWOT神學辭典編號和此字第一次出處
<神出> 書20:7
<譯詞>加利利4 (4)
原為拿弗他利之山區,多半非猶太人,故稱外邦之加利利, 書20:7 21:32 王上9:11 代上6:76
01551 Galiyl {gaw-leel'} or (prolonged) Galiylah {gaw-lee-law'}

the same as 01550;; n pr loc

AV - Galilee 6; 6

Galilee = "circuit, district"
1) a territory in Naphtali largely occupied by heathen; a circuit of
   towns around Kedesh-Naphtali, in which were situated the 20 towns
   given by Solomon to Hiram king of Tyre as payment for his work in
   conveying timber from Lebanon to Jerusalem