主題Meat-offerings (素祭 )
 - 是至聖的
      利 6:17 

 - 由下列元素構成
   . 細麵
        利 2:1 

   . 在爐中烤過的無酵餅
        利 2:4 

   . 在鐵鏊上烤過的細麵
        利 2:5 

   . 在煎盤上烤過的細麵
        利 2:7 

   . 烘烤過的新穗子
        利 2:14 

   . 大麥麵
        民 5:15 

 - 油與乳香使用在素祭上
      利 2:1,4,15 

 - 疑恨的素祭不加油與乳香
      民 5:15 

 - 總是以鹽調味
      利 2:13 

 - 素祭不得加上酵
      利 2:11  6:17 

 - 不得獻在香壇上
      出 30:9 

 - 被獻上
   . 獻在燔祭壇上
        出 40:29 

   . 與每天的祭品一同獻上
        出 29:40-42 

   . 與所有燔祭一同獻上
        民 15:3-12 

   . 由窮人獻上, 作為贖愆祭
        利 5:11 

   . 由大祭司每日獻上, 一半在早晨, 一半在傍晚
        利 6:20-22 

 - 一小部分的素祭燒在壇上, 作為紀念
      利 2:2,9,16  6:15 

 - 為祭司獻上時, 全然用火燒盡
      利 6:23 

 - 由大祭司的副手管理素祭
      民 4:16 

 - 貯存在聖殿內的一個屋子裡
      尼 10:39  13:5  結 42:13 

 - 是祭司的分
      利 2:3  6:17 

 - 當單單由亞倫家的男子食用
      利 6:18 

 - 當在聖所食用
      利 6:16 

 - 猶太人
   . 所獻的素祭常不被悅納
        摩 5:22 

   . 因獻素祭給偶像而受譴責
        賽 57:6 

   . 常受審判而不得獻素祭
        珥 1:9,13 

 - 公眾素祭的材料, 常由首領提供
      民 7:13,19,25  結 45:16 
 - Were most holy
      Le 6:17 

   . Fine flour
        Le 2:1 

   . Unleavened cakes baked in the oven
        Le 2:4 

   . Fine flour baked in a pan
        Le 2:5 

   . Fine flour baked in a frying pan
        Le 2:7 

   . Green ears of corn parched
        Le 2:14 

   . Barley meal
        Nu 5:15 

 - Oil and incense used with
      Le 2:1,4,15 

 - Of jealousy, without oil or incense
      Nu 5:15 

 - Always seasoned with salt
      Le 2:13 

 - No leaven used with
      Le 2:11  6:17 

 - Not to be offered on altar of incense
      Ex 30:9 

   . On the altar of burnt offering
        Ex 40:29 

   . With the daily sacrifices
        Ex 29:40-42 

   . With all burnt offerings
        Nu 15:3-12 

   . By the poor for a trespass offering
        Le 5:11 

   . By the high priest every day, half in the morning and half
     in the evening
        Le 6:20-22 

 - A small part of, was consumed on the altar for a memorial
      Le 2:2,9,16  6:15 

 - When offered for a priest entirely consumed by fire
      Le 6:23 

 - High priest's deputy had care of
      Nu 4:16 

 - Laid up in a chamber of the temple
      Ne 10:39  13:5  Eze 42:13 

 - The priest's portion
      Le 2:3  6:17 

 - To be eaten by the males of the house of Aaron alone
      Le 6:18 

 - To be eaten in the holy place
      Le 6:16 

   . Often not accepted in
        Am 5:22 

   . Condemned for offering, to idols
        Isa 57:6 

   . Often prevented from offering, by judgments
        Joe 1:9,13 

 - Materials for public, often provided by the princes
      Nu 7:13,19,25  Eze 45:16 
