主題Wave-offering (搖祭 )
 - 祭司把祭物放在手中, 在上帝面前搖一搖
      出 29:24  利 8:27 

 - 包含
   . 祭司承接聖職所獻的羊的脂油、右腿等
        出 29:22,23  利 8:25,26 

   . 祭司承接聖職所獻的羊胸
        出 29:26  利 8:29 

   . 所有平安祭牲的胸
        利 7:30  9:18,21  6:17,20 

   . 拿細耳人所獻平安祭牲的左腿
        民 6:17,19 

   . 初熟的莊稼
        利 23:10,11 

   . 初熟麥子做的餅
        利 23:20 

   . 疑恨的素祭
        民 5:25 

   . 痲瘋患者的贖愆祭
        利 14:12,24 

 - 承接聖職所獻的羊的脂油等要在壇上燒掉
      出 29:25  利 8:28 

 - 搖祭要給祭司, 做為他應得的分
      出 29:26-28  利 7:31,34  8:29  10:15  23:20  民 18:11 

 - 祭司的家人要在聖所吃搖祭
      利 10:14 

 - Placed in the hand of the priest and waved before the Lord
      Ex 29:24  Le 8:27 

   . The fat, right shoulder, &c of the priest's consecration
        Ex 29:22,23  Le 8:25,26 

   . The breast of the priest's consecration ram
        Ex 29:26  Le 8:29 

   . The breast of all peace offerings
        Le 7:30  9:18,21  6:17,20 

   . Left shoulder, of Nazarite's peace offering
        Nu 6:17,19 

   . The first fruits of barely harvest
        Le 23:10,11 

   . The first fruits of wheaten bread
        Le 23:20 

   . The Jealousy offering
        Nu 5:25 

   . The leper's trespass offering
        Le 14:12,24 

 - Of the fat, &c of the consecration ram burnt on the altar
      Ex 29:25  Le 8:28 

 - Was given to the priest as his due
      Ex 29:26-28  Le 7:31,34  8:29  10:15  23:20  Nu 18:11 

 - Was to be eaten in a holy place by the priest's family
      Le 10:14 
