主題PAUL (保羅 )
     徒 8:1  9:1  13:9 

     羅 11:1  腓 3:5 

     林後 10:1,10  11:6 

     徒 9:11  21:39  22:3 

     徒 22:3  26:4 

     徒 22:3  23:6  26:5  林後 11:22  加 1:14  腓 3:5 

     徒 16:37  22:25-28 

 -逼迫基督徒; 司提反遭石頭打死時在場並同意
     徒 7:58  8:1,3  9:1  22:4 

 -奉派帶著逮捕基督徒的諭令到大馬色, 將他們帶回耶路撒冷
     徒 9:1,2 

 -見到異象, 因而歸主
     徒 9:3-22  22:4-19  26:9-15  林前 9:1  15:8  加 1:13  
     提前 1:12,13 

     徒 9:18  22:16 

     徒 22:14-21  26:16-18  羅 1:1  林前 1:1  9:1,2  15:9 
     加 1:1,15,16  弗 1:1  西 1:1  提前 1:1  2:7  提後 1:1,11 
     多 1:1,3 

     徒 9:20,22 

     徒 9:23,24 

 -靠人家用筐子把他從城牆上縋下去而脫逃; 往耶路撒冷
     徒 9:25,26  加 1:18,19 

     徒 9:26-29 

     徒 9:30  18:22 

     徒 13:2,3,47,48  22:17-21  羅 11:13  15:16  加 1:15-24 

     徒 11:25,26 

     徒 11:26 

     徒 11:27-30 

     徒 12:25 

     徒 13:4 

     徒 13:4 

     徒 13:5 

     徒 13:6 

     徒 13:7-12 

     徒 13:6-12 

     徒 13:13 

 -保羅的同伴約翰(姓馬可), 離開他們前往耶路撒冷
     徒 13:13 

 -來到彼西底的安提阿, 在會堂講道
     徒 13:14-41 

     徒 13:42,49 

 -受逼迫, 遭驅逐出境
     徒 13:50,51 

 -來到以哥念, 向猶太人和非猶太人傳道; 受逼迫; 逃往路司得;
     徒 14:1-6 

     徒 14:8-10 

     徒 14:11-18 

 -受安妮阿和以哥念的某些猶太人逼迫, 遭人用石頭打
     徒 14:19  林後 11:25  提後 3:11 

 -逃往特庇, 在那裡傳福音, 然後回到路司得, 再到以哥念、到安提阿, 
  堅固門徒的心, 勸勉他們持守信心, 然後保羅協助他們指派長老
     徒 14:19-23 

 -再度造訪彼西底、旁非利亞、別加、亞大利、敘利亞的安提阿, 就在
     徒 14:24-28 

     徒 15:1,2 

     徒 15:2,4 

     徒 15:12 

 -巴拿巴、猶大、西拉陪保羅帶著給外邦人的信, 一同回到安提阿 
     徒 15:22,25 

     徒 15:36 

 -選西拉作他的同伴, 走遍敘利亞、基利家,堅固會眾
     徒 15:36-41 

 -來到路司得; 給提摩太行割禮
     徒 16:1-5 

 -經過弗呂家、加拉太; 聖靈禁止他們在亞西亞傳道; 來到每西亞; 要去
  庇推尼, 不過被聖靈阻止
     徒 16:6,7 

 -到特羅亞去, 做了異夢, 有人向他說:「請你過到馬其頓來幫助我們」; 
     徒 16:8-10 

 -到訪撒摩特喇和尼亞波利; 來到馬其頓的主要城市腓立比; 到訪河邊一
  個禱告的地方; 傳講真道; 推雅推喇商人呂底亞信主並受洗
     徒 16:11-15 

 -責備施行占卜的人; 把行占卜的女子身上的惡鬼趕出來
     徒 16:16-18 

 -受逼迫, 被打, 與西拉一同入獄; 在監牢裡唱讚美詩, 監牢就因地震撼
  動; 他向驚恐的禁卒傳講福音, 禁卒就信主, 與其一家受洗
     徒 16:19-34 

     徒 16:35-39  林後 6:5  11:25  帖前 2:2 

     徒 16:40 

 -來到暗妃波里、亞波羅尼亞、帖撒羅尼迦; 在會堂講道
     徒 17:1-4 

     徒 17:5-9  帖後 1:1-4 

 -夜間逃往庇哩亞; 在會堂講道; 許多貴婦和好些男子就相信
     徒 17:10-12 

 -受帖撒羅尼迦來的猶太人逼迫; 幾個弟兄護送他回雅典
     徒 17:13-15 

     徒 17:16-34 

 -來到哥林多; 與製造帳棚的亞居拉和妻子百基拉同住; 與他們一同做工  
     徒 18:1-3 

 -每逢安息日, 在會堂裡辯論; 為猶太人所棄絕; 轉往外邦人那裡去; 在
  猶士都家中住了一年半, 傳講上帝的話語  
     徒 18:4-11 

 -受猶太人迫害, 人把他拉到總督面前, 指控他奸惡; 控告駁回; 住了好
  幾天就告辭, 坐船前往敘利亞, 百基拉、亞居拉和他同去
     徒 18:12-18 

 -來到以弗所, 把百基拉、亞居拉留在當地; 進會堂, 和猶太人辯論; 動
  身回耶路撒冷; 來到該撒利亞; 經過加拉太和弗呂家, 堅固眾門徒
     徒 18:18-23 

 -回以弗所; 奉主耶穌的名為人施洗, 按手在使徒身上, 他們就受了聖靈
  的洗; 在會堂傳道; 在以弗所待了兩年; 醫治病人
     徒 19:1-12 

 -斥責念咒趕鬼的人; 為一個人趕出惡鬼, 許多人就信了, 把他們的巫術
     徒 19:13-20  林前 16:8,9 

 -打發提摩太、以拉都往馬其頓去, 自己卻在亞西亞待了一段時間
     徒 19:21,22 

 -靠著保羅的傳講, 福音傳了開來, 妨害製造偶像者的生路; 他受逼迫, 
  在城裡引起不小的騷動; 城裡的書記安撫了眾人, 駁回眾人對保羅的指
  控, 並解散百姓
     徒 19:23-41  林後 1:8  提後 4:14 

 -堅固會眾之後, 就前往馬其頓; 來到希臘, 在那裡住了三個月; 回程經
  過馬其頓, 所巴特、亞里達古、西公都、該猶、提摩太、推基古、特羅
     徒 20:1-6 

 -來到特羅亞; 講道到天亮; 讓從窗戶跌下去的青年猶推古活了過來
     徒 20:6-12 

 -來到亞朔、米推利尼、基阿、撒摩、特羅基連、米利都, 趕在五旬節之
     徒 20:13-16 

 -差人請以弗所的長老來; 向他們述說他在亞西亞傳道的情形, 述說他勸
  人向神悔改時, 所受的試探和苦難
     徒 20:17-21 

 -表明他心裡迫切想去耶路撒冷; 勸勉他們留心自己, 也留心會眾, 因為
  聖靈立他們作會眾的監督; 跪下來禱告, 就動身離開
     徒 20:22-38 

 -來到哥士、羅底、帕大喇; 搭船前往推羅
     徒 21:1-3 

 -在推羅等了七天; 門徒送他到城外; 跪下來禱告; 上了船; 來到多利買;
  問候弟兄, 在那裡待了一天
     徒 21:4-7 

 -前往該撒利亞; 進了傳福音的腓利家裡; 先知亞迦布極力勸他別去耶路
  撒冷; 不過他還是去了
     徒 21:8-15 

 -弟兄歡歡喜喜接待他; 暢談神用他的服事在外邦人當中所成就的事
     徒 21:17-25 

 -進了聖殿的院子; 從亞西亞來的猶太人聳動眾人對付他; 造成騷動; 他
  被推到殿外; 羅馬駐軍的司令介入並逮捕他
     徒 21:26-33 

     徒 21:33-40  22:1-21 

     徒 22:24-30 

 -被帶到公會前; 他的辯白
     徒 22:30  23:1-5 

     徒 23:10 

 -神用異夢激勵他, 應許他會在羅馬作見證
     徒 23:11 

     徒 23:12-15 

     徒 23:16-22 

     徒 23:23-33 

     徒 23:35 

     徒 24 

     徒 24:27 

     徒 25:1-12 

     徒 25:10-12 

     徒 25:13-27  26:1-32 

 -解送羅馬, 由百夫長猶流和一隊士兵押送; 跟其他囚犯上了船, 沿著亞 
  細亞海邊航行; 在西頓停泊, 然後停在每拉
     徒 27:1-5 

 -轉搭亞力山大的船; 航行經過革尼土、革哩底、撒摩尼、佳澳
     徒 27:6-8 

 -預言船難; 眾人聽不進他的勸, 繼續航行
     徒 27:9-13 

 -船遇到暴風; 保羅鼓舞並安慰官長和全體船員; 士兵建議處死囚犯; 百
  夫長出面阻止, 船上所有人(兩百七十六人)就全都倖免於難
     徒 27:14-44 

 -船失事了, 船上所有人就在米利大島(馬爾他)避難
     徒 27:44-28:1 

     徒 28:1,2 

 -遭毒蛇咬, 卻不可思議地毫髮無傷
     徒 28:3-6 

     徒 28:7-10 

 -在米利大(馬爾他)停留三個月; 繼續航行; 在敘拉古耽擱三天; 航行經
     徒 28:11-13 

 -遇見幾個弟兄, 他們陪他從亞比烏市到羅馬' 抵達羅馬; 被交給御營的
  首領; 獲准自己住, 由一個士兵看守
     徒 28:14-16 

 -召集當地猶太人領導階層; 陳述他的立場; 受親切接待; 解釋福音; 為
     徒 28:17-29 

 -在自己租來的房子住了兩年, 傳道並教導人
     徒 28:30,31 

     徒 18:3  20:33-35 

     林後 1:8-11 

 -儘管一再有人警告他, 仍執意要去耶路撒冷
     徒 20:22,23  21:4,10-14 

     林後 12:1-4 

     林後 12:7-9  加 4:13,14 

     帖前 2:9  帖後 3:8 

     帖前 2:2  來 10:34 

   .見 熱心 , 保羅是熱心的典範

     徒 9:16,23-25,29  16:19-25  20:22-24  21:13,27-33 
     徒 22:22-24  23:10,12-15  羅 8:35-37  林前 4:9,11-13 
     林後 1:8-10  4:8-12  6:4,5,8-10  11:23-27,32,33  12:10 
     加 5:11  6:17  腓 1:30  2:17,18  西 1:24  帖前 2:2,14,15  3:4 
     提後 1:12  2:9,10  3:11,12  4:16,17 
 -Also called SAUL
     Ac 8:1  9:1  13:9 

 -From the tribe of Benjamin,
     Ro 11:1  Php 3:5 

 -Personal appearance of
     2Co 10:1,10  11:6 

 -Born in the city of Tarsus
     Ac 9:11  21:39  22:3 

 -Educated at Jerusalem in the school of Gamaliel
     Ac 22:3  26:4 

 -A zealous Pharisee
     Ac 22:3  23:6  26:5  2Co 11:22  Ga 1:14  Php 3:5 

 -A Roman citizen
     Ac 16:37  22:25-28 

 -Persecutes the Christians; present at, and gives consent to,
  the stoning of Stephen
     Ac 7:58  8:1,3  9:1  22:4 

 -Sent to Damascus with letters for the arrest and return to
  Jerusalem of Christians
     Ac 9:1,2 

 -His vision and conversion
     Ac 9:3-22  22:4-19  26:9-15  1Co 9:1  15:8  Ga 1:13  1Ti

 -Is immersed
     Ac 9:18  22:16 

 -Called to be an apostle
     Ac 22:14-21  26:16-18  Ro 1:1  1Co 1:1  9:1,2  15:9  Ga
    1:1,15,16  Eph 1:1  Col 1:1  1Ti 1:1  2:7  2Ti 1:1,11  Tit

 -Preaches in Damascus for the first time
     Ac 9:20,22 

 -Is persecuted by the Jews
     Ac 9:23,24 

 -Escapes by being let down from the wall in a basket; goes to
     Ac 9:25,26  Ga 1:18,19 

 -Received by the disciples in Jerusalem
     Ac 9:26-29 

 -Goes to Caesarea
     Ac 9:30  18:22 

 -Sent to the Gentiles
     Ac 13:2,3,47,48  22:17-21  Ro 11:13  15:16  Ga 1:15-24 

 -Has Barnabas as his companion
     Ac 11:25,26 

 -Teaches at Antioch (in Syria) for one year
     Ac 11:26 

 -Conveys the contributions of the Christians in Antioch to the
  Christians in Jerusalem
     Ac 11:27-30 

 -Returns with the apostle John to Antioch (of Syria)
     Ac 12:25 

 -Visits Seleucia
     Ac 13:4 

 -Visits much of the island of Cyprus
     Ac 13:4 

 -Preaches at Salamis
     Ac 13:5 

 -Preaches at Paphos
     Ac 13:6 

 -Sergius Paulus, governor of the country, is a convert of
     Ac 13:7-12 

 -Contends with Elymas (Bar-Jesus) the sorcerer
     Ac 13:6-12 

 -Visits Perga in Pamphylia
     Ac 13:13 

 -John (Mark), a companion of, departs for Jerusalem
     Ac 13:13 

 -Visits Antioch (in Pisidia), and preaches in the synagogue
     Ac 13:14-41 

 -His message received gladly by the Gentiles
     Ac 13:42,49 

 -Persecuted and expelled
     Ac 13:50,51 

 -Visits Iconium, and preaches to the Jews and non-Jews; is
  persecuted; escapes to Lystra; goes to Derbe
     Ac 14:1-6 

 -Heals an immobile man
     Ac 14:8-10 

 -The people attempt to worship him
     Ac 14:11-18 

 -Is persecuted by certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, and is
     Ac 14:19  2Co 11:25  2Ti 3:11 

 -Escapes to Derbe, where he preaches the gospel, and returns to
  Lystra, and to Iconium, and to Antioch, strengthens the souls
  of the disciples, exhorts them to continue in the faith, and
  helps to appoint elders
     Ac 14:19-23 

 -Re-visits Pisidia, Pamphylia, Perga, Attalia, and Antioch, in
  Syria, where he lived
     Ac 14:24-28 

 -Contends with the Judaizers against their circumcision
     Ac 15:1,2 

 -Refers the question of circumcision to the apostles and elders
  at Jerusalem
     Ac 15:2,4 

 -He declares to the apostles at Jerusalem the miracles and
  wonders God had performed among the Gentiles by them
     Ac 15:12 

 -Returns to Antioch, accompanied by Barnabas, Judas, and Silas,
  with letters to the Gentiles
     Ac 15:22,25 

 -Makes his second tour of the congregations
     Ac 15:36 

 -Chooses Silas as his companion, and passes through Syria and
  Cilicia, strengthening the congregations
     Ac 15:36-41 

 -Visits Lystra; circumcises Timothy
     Ac 16:1-5 

 -Goes through Phrygia and Galatia; is forbidden by the Holy
  Spirit to preach in Asia; visits Mysia; attempts to go to
  Bithynia, but is restrained by the Spirit
     Ac 16:6,7 

 -Goes to Troas, where he has a vision of a man saying, "Come
  over into Macedonia, and help us; "immediately proceeds to
     Ac 16:8-10 

 -Visits Samothracia and Neapolis; comes to Philippi, the chief
  city of Macedonia; visits a place of prayer at the side of the
  river; preaches the word; the merchant, Lydia, from Thyatira,
  is converted and immersed
     Ac 16:11-15 

 -Reproves the soothsayer; causes the evil spirit to come out of
  the girl who practises divination
     Ac 16:16-18 

 -Persecuted, beaten, and cast into prison with Silas; sings
  songs of praise in the prison; an earthquake shakes the
  prison; he preaches to the alarmed jailer, who believes, and
  is immersed along with his household
     Ac 16:19-34 

 -Is released by the civil authorities on the grounds of his
  being a Roman citizen
     Ac 16:35-39  2Co 6:5  11:25  1Th 2:2 

 -Is welcomed at the household of Lydia
     Ac 16:40 

 -Visits Amphipolis, Apollonia, and Thessalonica; preaches in
  the synagogue
     Ac 17:1-4 

 -Is persecuted
     Ac 17:5-9  2Th 1:1-4 

 -Escapes to Berea by night; preaches in the synagogue; many
  honorable women and several men believe
     Ac 17:10-12 

 -Persecuted by the Jews who come from Thessalonica; is escorted
  by some of the brethren to Athens
     Ac 17:13-15 

 -Debates on Mars' Hill (at the meeting of the Areopagus
  Council) with Greeks
     Ac 17:16-34 

 -Visits Corinth; lives with Aquila and his wife, Priscilla
  (Prisca), who were tentmakers; joins in their trade
     Ac 18:1-3 

 -Reasons in the synagogue every Sabbath; is rejected by the
  Jews; turns to the Gentiles; makes his home with Justus;
  continues there for eighteen months, teaching the word of God
     Ac 18:4-11 

 -Persecuted by Jews, drawn before the deputy, charged with
  wicked lewdness; accusation dismissed; takes his leave after
  many days, and sails to Syria, accompanied by Aquila and
     Ac 18:12-18 

 -Visits Ephesus, where he leaves Aquila and Priscilla; enters
  into a synagogue, where he reasons with the Jews; starts on
  his return trip to Jerusalem; visits Caesarea; crosses over
  the country of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening the
     Ac 18:18-23 

 -Returns to Ephesus; immerses in the name of the Lord Jesus,
  and lays his hands upon the disciples, who are baptized with
  the Holy Spirit; preaches in the synagogue; remains in Ephesus
  for two years; heals the sick people
     Ac 19:12 

 -Rebukes the exorcists; casts an evil spirit out of a man, and
  many believe, bringing their evil books of sorcery to be
     Ac 19:13-20  1Co 16:8,9 

 -Sends Timothy and Erastus into Macedonia, but he himself
  remains in Asia for a period of time
     Ac 19:21,22 

 -The spread of the gospel through his preaching interferes with
  the makers of idols; he is persecuted, and a great uproar of
  the city is created; the town clerk appeases the people;
  dismisses the accusation against Paul, and disperses the
     Ac 19:23-41  2Co 1:8  2Ti 4:14 

 -Proceeds to Macedonia after strengthening the congregations in
  that region; comes into Greece and lives for three months;
  returns through Macedonia, accompanied by Sopater,
  Aristarchus, Secundus, Gaius, Timothy, Tychicus, and Trophimus
     Ac 20:1-6 

 -Visits Troas; preaches until daybreak; restores to life the
  young man (Eutychus) who fell from the window
     Ac 20:6-12 

 -Visits Assos, Mitylene, Chios, Samos, Trogyllium, and Miletus,
  hastening to Jerusalem, to be there by Pentecost day
     Ac 20:13-16 

 -Sends for the elders of the congregation of Ephesus; relates
  to them how he had preached in Asia and his temptations and
  afflictions, urging repentance toward God
     Ac 20:17-21 

 -Declares he was going bound in spirit to Jerusalem; exhorts
  them to take heed to themselves and the flock over whom the
  Holy Spirit had made them overseers; kneels down, prays, and
     Ac 20:22-38 

 -Visits Coos, Rhodes, and Patara; boards a ship bound for Tyre
     Ac 21:1-3 

 -Waits at Tyre for seven days; is brought on his way by the
  disciples to the outskirts of the city; kneels down and prays;
  boards the ship; comes to Ptolemais; greets the brethren, and
  stays for one day
     Ac 21:4-7 

 -Departs for Caesarea; enters the house of Philip the
  evangelist; is admonished by the prophet Agabus not to go to
  Jerusalem; nevertheless, he proceeds to Jerusalem
     Ac 21:8-15 

 -Is received by the brethren gladly; talks about the things
  that had been done among the Gentiles through his ministry
     Ac 21:17-25 

 -Enters the temple courtyard; the people are stirred up against
  him by some Jews from Asia; an uproar is created; he is thrust
  out of the temple area; the commander of the Roman garrison
  intervenes and arrests him
     Ac 21:26-33 

 -His defense
     Ac 21:33-40  22:1-21 

 -Is confined in the fortress
     Ac 22:24-30 

 -Is brought before the Sanhedrin; his defense
     Ac 22:30  23:1-5 

 -Is returned to the fortress
     Ac 23:10 

 -Is encouraged by a vision from God, promising him that he will
  give testimony in Rome
     Ac 23:11 

 -Jewish leaders conspire against his life
     Ac 23:12-15 

 -This plan is thwarted by his nephew
     Ac 23:16-22 

 -Is escorted to Caesarea by a military guard
     Ac 23:23-33 

 -Is confined in Herod's Judgment Hall in Caesarea
     Ac 23:35 

 -His trial before Governor Felix
     Ac 24 

 -Remains in custody for two years
     Ac 24:27 

 -His trial before Governor Festus
     Ac 25:1-12 

 -Appeals to be heard by Caesar
     Ac 25:10-12 

 -His examination before Herod Agrippa II
     Ac 25:13-27  26 

 -Is taken to Rome in the custody of Julius, a centurion, and a
  detachment of soldiers; boards a ship, accompanied by other
  prisoners, and sails by way of the coasts of Asia; stops at
  Sidon, and at Myra
     Ac 27:1-5 

 -Transferred to a ship of Alexandria; sails by way of Cnidus,
  Crete, Salamis, and the Fair Havens
     Ac 27:6-8 

 -Predicts misfortune to the ship; his counsel not heeded, and
  the voyage resumes
     Ac 27:9-13 

 -The ship encounters a storm; Paul encourages and comforts the
  officers and crew; the soldiers advise putting the prisoners
  to death; the centurion interferes, and all on board
  (consisting of two-hundred and seventy-six persons) survive
     Ac 27:14-44 

 -The ship is wrecked, and all on board take refuge on the
  island of Melita (Malta)
     Ac 27:14-44 

 -Kind treatment by the inhabitants of the island
     Ac 28:1,2 

 -Is bitten by a viper and miraculously unharmed
     Ac 28:3-6 

 -Heals the ruler's father and others
     Ac 28:7-10 

 -Is delayed in Melita (Malta) for three months; proceeds on the
  voyage; delays at Syracuse; sails by Rhegium and Puteoli
     Ac 28:11-13 

 -Meets some brethren who accompany him to Rome from Appii
  Forum; arrives at Rome; is delivered to the captain of the
  guard; is permitted to live by himself in custody of a soldier
     Ac 28:14-16 

 -Summons the local Jewish leadership; states his position; is
  kindly received; expounds the gospel; testifies to the kingdom
  of heaven
     Ac 28:17-29 

 -Lives in his own rented house for two years, preaching and
     Ac 28:30,31 

 -Supports himself
     Ac 18:3  20:33-35 

 -Sickness of, in Asia
     2Co 1:8-11 

 -His resolute determination to go to Jerusalem despite repeated
     Ac 20:22,23  21:4,10-14 

 -Caught up to the third heaven
     2Co 12:1-4 

 -Has "a thorn in the flesh,"
     2Co 12:7-9  Ga 4:13,14 

 -His independence of character
     1Th 2:9  2Th 3:8 

 -Persecutions of
     1Th 2:2  Heb 10:34 

 -Persecutions endured by, see below
 -Zeal of

     Ac 9:16,23-25,29  16:19-25  20:22-24  21:13,27-33  22:22-24  23:10,12-15  Ro 8:35-37  1Co 4:9,11-13  2Co
    1:8-10  4:8-12  6:4,5,8-10  11:23-27,32,33  12:10  Ga 5:11  6:17  Php 1:30  2:17,18  Col 1:24  1Th 2:2,14,15  3:4  2Ti
    1:12  2:9,10  3:11,12  4:16,17 
