主題WALKING (行走/走路 )
       申 5:33  詩 1  耶 7:23 
       申 28:9  書 22:5 
       耶 6:16 
       王上 8:36  賽 2:3  30:21 
       箴 2:7 
       結 37:24 
       羅 6:4 
   .不是按著血氣, 乃是按著聖靈行事
       羅 8:1  加 5:16 
   .行事為人要端正, 好像行在白晝
       羅 13:13 
   .行事為人不憑眼見, 乃憑信心
       林後 5:7 
   .跟隨基督, 憑愛心行事
       弗 5:2 
       西 1:10 
       西 2:6 
       腓 3:16 
   .在光明中行, 正如上帝一樣
       約一 1:7 
       啟 3:4 
       啟 21:24 

       創 5:24 
       創 6:9 

 -With God
   .According to his commands
       De 5:33  Ps 1  Jer 7:23 
   .In his ways
       De 28:9  Jos 22:5 
   .In the old paths
       Jer 6:16 
   .As taught by him
       1Ki 8:36  Isa 2:3  30:21 
       Pr 2:7 
   .In his statutes and judgments
       Eze 37:24 
   .In newness of life
       Ro 6:4 
   .Not after the flesh, but after the Spirit
       Ro 8:1  Ga 5:16 
   .Honestly, as in the day
       Ro 13:13 
   .Not walking by sight, but by faith
       2Co 5:7 
   .In love, following Christ
       Eph 5:2 
   .Worthy of the Lord
       Col 1:10 
   .In Christ
       Col 2:6 
   .By the gospel rule
       Php 3:16 
   .In the light, as God is
       1Jo 1:7 
   .In white clothing
       Re 3:4 
   .In the light of heaven
       Re 21:24 

       Ge 5:24 
       Ge 6:9 
