主題ARMIES (軍隊 )
     民 1:2,3  26:2  代下 25:5 

     民 1:47-50  2:33  申 20:5-9  士 7:3 

     民 1:2,3  26:2  撒上 11:8  撒下 18:1,2  24:1-9  王上 20:15 
     代下 25:5 

     民 31:4  士 20:10 

     撒上 14:52 

 -見 膽怯/懦弱 

       撒上 14:50  撒下 2:8  8:16  17:25  19:13  20:23 

       民 2:3,31  代上 27:1-22  代下 17:12-19 

       民 31:14,48  撒上 17:18  代上 28:1  代下 25:5 

       民 31:14,48  王下 11:15  代上 28:1  代下 25:5 

       王下 1:9  賽 3:3 

 -見 騎兵 

 -見 戰車 

         民 10:9  士 3:27  6:34  撒上 13:3,4 
     .將牛切成塊, 傳送以色列全境
         撒上 11:7 

     士 21:5-11 
     士 20 

 -1. 安營與前進
     民 2 

 -2. 按著行列前進
     出 13:18 
       代上 12:33  珥 2:7 
       士 7:16  9:43  撒上 11:11  13:17,18  撒下 18:2  伯 1:17 
       賽 8:8 
   .見 戰略 
       撒下 2:28  18:16  20:1,22  尼 4:18,20 
         書 8:2-22 
         士 9:25,34 
         士 20:29-43 
         代下 13:4,13 
         代下 20:22 
         書 2:1-24 
         書 7:2,3 
         士 1:23,24 
       士 18:2-10 
       創 14:15  士 7:16-22 
       書 8:4-22  士 20:29-43 
       尼 6 
       撒下 11:1  代上 20:1 
       撒下 17:7-14 
     .亞伯拉罕, 追趕基大老瑪
         創 14:8,9,12,14,15 
     .約書亞, 攻打亞摩利人
         書 10:6,9 
     .約書亞, 攻打結盟的君王
         書 11:7 
         撒下 5:23-25 
       賽 5:26,27 
       耶 39:1 
         書 6 
       王下 6:24-33 
       王下 7 
       王下 25:1-3 
       代下 26:15  耶 6:6 
       結 26:9 
       士 9:31  撒下 5:9  王下 25:1  代下 11:11  26:9  尼 3:8 
       尼 4:2  賽 22:10  25:12  29:3  32:14  耶 6:6  32:24  33:4 
       耶 51:53  結 4:2  17:17  21:22  26:8  33:27  但 11:15,19 
       鴻 2:1  3:14 
   .纛 (軍旗)
       民 2:2,3,10,17,18,25,31,34  10:14,18,22,25 
       結 23:6,12  鴻 2:3 
       撒上 13:2  代上 27  代下 1:14  17:12-19  26:11-15 
         民 27:21  士 1:1  撒上 14:19,37-41  23:2-12  30:8 
         撒下 2:1  5:19,23  王上 22:7-28  王下 3:11-19  代上 14:10,14 
         耶 37:7-10 
         撒上 13:11,12 
         民 31:19-24 
         申 23:9 
         代下 17:16 
       代下 20:21,22 
       書 6:6,7,13  撒上 4:4-11 
         出 17:11,12 
         書 6 
         書 10:11-14 
         士 7 
         王上 20  王下 7 
         王下 3  代下 20 
         王下 19:35 
       撒下 2:8-10  王上 16:16  王下 11:4-12 
       撒上 22:1,2 
       撒下 10:6  代上 19:6,7  代下 25:5,6 
       書 10:1-5  11:1-5  士 1:3  撒下 10:6,15,16,19 
       王上 15:20  22:1-4  王下 16:9  18:19-21  代上 19:6,7  
       代下 16:2-9  18:1,3  20:1  22:5  28:16,20  詩 83:1-12  
       賽 7:1-9  8:9-12  54:15 
       申 20:1-9 
       士 7:18  撒上 17:20,52 
         士 5  撒上 18:6,7 
         代下 20:28 
         撒上 18:6,7 
         書 15:16,17 
         撒上 17:25  18:17-28 
         撒下 23:8-39  代上 11:6,10-47 
         民 31:25-47 
       撒下 1:18 
   .亞干在軍中抗命, 因而受罰
       書 7 
       撒上 14:17  民 31:48,49 
       賽 30:17 
         士 7:21 
         撒上 14:15-19 
         王下 7:7-15 
   .為免被擄, 士兵自相殘殺
       撒上 14:20  31:4-6 
       撒上 17:8-53  撒下 2:14-17  21:15-22 
       詩 33:16  44:6 
       王下 1:9  徒 23:23,24,31-33 
         徒 22:24-29 
         太 8:5,8  27:54  路 7:2  23:47  徒 10:1,7,22  21:32 
         徒 22:26  23:17,23  24:23  27:1,11,43  28:16 
         徒 10:1  27:1 
     .見 亞瑪力人 
     .見 亞述 
     .見 巴比倫 
     .見 埃及人 
     .見 米甸人 
     .見 波斯 
     .見 亞蘭/敘利亞 
     .見 代表
     .見 盔甲/兵器/軍裝 
   .見 埋伏 
   .見 騎兵 
   .見 堡壘/要塞 
   .見 防營 
   .見 傳令官/先驅者 
   .見 人質 
   .見 艦隊 
   .見 偵察 
   .見 圍攻/圍城 
   .見 士兵 
   .見 探子/奸細/間諜 
   .見 纛/軍旗 
   .見 戰略 
   .見 停戰/休戰 
   .見 戰爭

     申 33:2  王下 6:17  詩 34:7  68:17  啟 9:16 
 -Who of the Israelites were subject to service in
     Nu 1:2,3  26:2  2Ch 25:5 

 -Who were exempt from service in
     Nu 1:47-50  2:33  De 20:5-9  Jud 7:3 

 -Enumeration of Israel's military forces
     Nu 1:2,3  26:2  1Sa 11:8  2Sa 18:1,2  24:1-9  1Ki 20:15  2Ch 25:5 

 -Levies for
     Nu 31:4  Jud 20:10 

 -Compulsory service in
     1Sa 14:52 


 -How officered
       1Sa 14:50  2Sa 2:8  8:16  17:25  19:13  20:23 

 -Generals of corps and divisions
     Nu 2:3,31  1Ch 27:1-22  2Ch 17:12-19 

 -Captains of thousands
     Nu 31:14,48  1Sa 17:18  1Ch 28:1  2Ch 25:5 

 -Captains of hundreds
     Nu 31:14,48  2Ki 11:15  1Ch 28:1  2Ch 25:5 

 -Captains of fifties
     2Ki 1:9  Isa 3:3 



 -Rendezvous of
   .Methods employed in effecting
     .Sounding a trumpet
         Nu 10:9  Jud 3:27  6:34  1Sa 13:3,4 
     .Cutting oxen in pieces, and sending the pieces throughout
         1Sa 11:7 

 -Refusal to obey the summons, instance of
     Jud 21:5-11  20 

 -1. Camp and march
     Nu 2 

 -2. March in ranks
     Ex 13:18 
   .Margin note)
       1Ch 12:33  Joe 2:7 
   .Move, in attack, in three divisions
       Jud 7:16  9:43  1Sa 11:11  13:17,18  2Sa 18:2  Job 1:17 
   .Flanks called wings
       Isa 8:8 
   .Orders delivered with trumpets
       2Sa 2:28  18:16  20:1,22  Ne 4:18,20 
     .Ambushes, at Ai
         Jos 8:2-22 
   .Ambushes at Shechem
       Jud 9:25,34 
   .Ambushes at Gibeah
       Jud 20:29-43 
   .Ambushes at Zemaraim
       2Ch 13:13 
   .By Jehoshaphat
       2Ch 20:22 
     .Of Jericho
         Jos 2:1-24 
   .Of Ai
       Jos 7:2,3 
   .Of Beth-el
       Jud 1:23,24 
   .Of Laish
       Jud 18:2-10 
   .Night attacks
       Ge 14:15  Jud 7:16-22 
       Jos 8:4-22  Jud 20:29-43  Ne 6 
   .Unusual winter campaign
       2Sa 11:1  1Ch 20:1 
       2Sa 17:7-14 
   .Celerity of action
     .Abraham, in pursuit of Chedorlaomer
         Ge 14:14,15 
   .Joshua, against the Amorites
       Jos 10:6,9 
   .The confederated kings
       Jos 11:7 
   .David's attack upon the Philistines
       2Sa 5:23-25 
   .Forced marches
       Isa 5:26,27 
       Jer 39:1 
     .Of Jericho
         Jos 6 
   .Of Samaria
       2Ki 6:24-33  7 
   .Of Jerusalem
       2Ki 25:1-3 
   ."Engines" used
       2Ch 26:15  Jer 6:6 
       Eze 26:9 
       Jud 9:31  2Sa 5:9  2Ki 25:1  2Ch 11:11  26:9  Ne 3:8  4:2  Isa 22:10  25:12  29:3  32:14  Jer 6:6  32:24  33:4  51:53  Eze 4:2  17:17  21:22  26:8  33:27  Da 11:15,19  Na 2:1  3:14 
       Nu 2:2,3,10,17,18,25,31,34  10:14,18,22,25 
   .Uniforms of
       Eze 23:6,12  Na 2:3 
   .Standing armies
       1Sa 13:2  1Ch 27  2Ch 1:14  17:12-19  26:11-15 
   .Religious ceremonies attending
     .Seeking counsel from God before battle
         Nu 27:21  Jud 1:1  1Sa 14:19,37-41  23:2-12  30:8  2Sa
        2:1  5:19,23  1Ki 22:7-28  2Ki 3:11-19  1Ch 14:10,14  Jer 37:7-10 
       1Sa 13:11,12 
       Nu 31:19-24 
   .Holiness enjoined
       De 23:9 
   .Officers consecrate themselves to God
       2Ch 17:16 
   .Army choir and songs
       2Ch 20:21,22 
   .Ark taken to battle
       Jos 6:6,7,13  1Sa 4:4-11 
   .Divine assistance to
     .When Aaron and Hur held up Moses' hands
         Ex 17:11,12 
     .In siege of Jericho
         Jos 6 
     .Sun stands still
         Jos 10:11-14 
     .Gideon's victory
         Jud 7 
     .Samaria's deliverances
         1Ki 20  2Ki 7 
   .Jehoshaphat's victories
       2Ki 3  2Ch 20 
   .Angel of the Lord smites the Assyrians
       2Ki 19:35 
   .Determine royal succession
       2Sa 2:8-10  1Ki 16:16  2Ki 11:4-12 
   .Composed of insurgents
       1Sa 22:1,2 
       2Sa 10:6  1Ch 19:6,7  2Ch 25:5,6 
       Jos 10:1-5  11:1-5  Jud 1:3  2Sa 10:6,15,16,19  1Ki
      15:20  22:1-4  2Ki 16:9  18:19-21  1Ch 19:6,7  2Ch 16:2-9  18:1,3  20:1  22:5  28:16,20  Ps 83:1-12  Isa 7:1-9  8:9-12  54:15 
   .Exhorted before battle
       De 20:1-9 
   .Battle shouts
       Jud 7:18  1Sa 17:20,52 
   .Triumphs of, celebrated
     .With songs
         Jud 5  1Sa 18:6,7 
   .With music
       2Ch 20:28 
   .With dancing
       1Sa 18:6,7 
   .Rewards for meritorious conduct
     .The general offers his daughter in marriage
         Jos 15:16,17 
   .The king offers his daughter
       1Sa 17:25  18:17-28 
   .A promotion
       2Sa 23:8-39  1Ch 11:6,10-47 
   .A share the spoils
       Nu 31:25-47 
   .Children instructed in military arts
       2Sa 1:18 
   .Insubordination in, punished, Achan
       Jos 7 
   .Check roll-call
       1Sa 14:17  Nu 31:48,49 
       Isa 30:17 
   .Among the Midianites
       Jud 7:21 
   .Among the Philistines
       1Sa 14:15-19 
   .Among the Syrians
       2Ki 7:7-15 
   .Soldiers destroy each other to escape captivity
       1Sa 14:20  31:4-6 
   .Champions fight instead of
       1Sa 17:8-53  2Sa 2:14-17  21:15-22 
   .Confidence in, vain
       Ps 33:16  44:6 
   .Escort duty performed by
       2Ki 1:9  Ac 23:23,24,31-33 
   .Roman army
     .Captains (R. V. margin, military tribunes) of
         Ac 22:24-29 
         Mt 8:5,8  27:54  Lu 7:2  23:47  Ac 10:1,7,22  21:32  22:26  23:17,23  24:23  27:1,11,43  28:16 
   .Divided into "bands" (R. V. margin, cohorts,)
       Ac 10:1  27:1 
   .For other than armies of the Israelites and Romans
   .See PERSIA
   .See SYRIA
   .For commissaries of
   .For weapons used
     .See ARMOR
   .See AMBUSH
   .See FORT
   .See HERALD
   .See NAVY
   .See SIEGE
   .See SPIES
   .See TRUCE
   .See WAR

     De 33:2  2Ki 6:17  Ps 34:7  68:17  Re 9:16 
